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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Save Sundarban, Save Bangladesh

Recently, a big news is always running around in my head. Every day i hear about one news, see post, see banners, seminars, listen slogans, also visible petitions too. These all mashups is just for only one and one thing, our country pride, the only biggest mangrove forest in the world, and our nature gift


I have no language to describe how sundarban plays her role for the coastal area specially west coastal side of Bangladesh named Shatkhira, Bagerhat , Khulna etc. Its a gift of nature for the peoples who live there, for balancing ecosystem , to save us from the wrath of Sea. But our's pride is now on threat.

Threat is, our big and fat headed politicians make a deal with India (you can say it as deal to sell our country to India) to make a coal based power plant with capacity of producing 1320 Megawatt named 'Rampal Project". This project will placed just near the coastal side of southern land but its noise and pollution will make the heartbeat of sundarban into processing at stop.

Carbon dioxide will rise, mercury and cadmium will rise in air and water, day by day sundarban will slowly killed down by slow poisoning. Every natural resources from our sundarban will be gradually decreased day by day and if the project takes place, Sundarbans will be completely finished.

But our people will never let make that happen. They are working for saving Sundarban, making seminars, making long marches and every possible steps are taken to stop this Power Project.

 We want our sundarban to be safe as nature makes it. We will never let this project happen, to make damage for our own, to threaten our coastal areas, our people, and our resources. A sign in petition has been launched to UNESCO to take legal action in against Rampal power project. UNESCO said that, if majority of people sign the petition against this power project, UNESCO will take legal action to support for saving Sundarban. People are signing the petitions, lots of peoples are recruited for signing campaign.
We do not want a Coal power plant at the cost of the world's largest mangrove forest Sundarbans. Pollutants such as Nitrogen oxides(NOx), Sulphur dioxide(SOx), Lead,Heavy metals including cadmium and chromium, Mercury along with particulate matters released by Rampal power plant will cause irreparable damage to the environment and the exotic bio-diversity of the Sundarbans. It appears that the govt forgot to take a holistic approach and include the social cost (environmental damage, effect on health) of pollution which could essentially double or even triple the production cost in long run depending on the impacts caused.

The Sundarbans is not just the home of the spectacular Royal Bengal Tiger, the mangrove forest harbors a wide range of rare and globally threatened or endemic animals.The proposed plant will devastate waterways leading to the forest and will have extensive impact on vegetation that supports the extra ordinary bio-diversity.

Thus being a concern citizen and an environmental enthusiast I think this proposal of Building a coal power plant needs to be dropped in order to ensure a sustainable life for all.

Looking forward to your kind attention.
[Your name]

We need Sundarban, for us ,for our safety, for our country. Just raise your voice, sign the petition,support us at any possible ways.  

We will save our gift, we will save our country. 

We promise.

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