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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Baby Pictures of World Changers

We know almost all of our scientists name who make this present modern world for us. We also know about their invention, research those consumers are we. They show's us way by making the light of their invention, gifts us their best outcome. They are big persons of world history, but each of one once was a child. How's they look like at child..?? Does their face told that, one day they will make a livable world for us. Okay...Lets take a look...

little Charles Darwin

Do you know who he his..?? A cute little boy with a tub of flower in hand looks so innocent. You may think, i was look like him in my childhood. Whats the big difference...??

The difference is that cute little boy, is Charles Darwin. The father of the "Theory of Evolution". (1809 – 1882) This English naturalist proposed a theory of evolution based on natural selection after studying species aboard the HMS Beagle. 

Boy Thomas Alva Edison  

This is Thomas Alva Edison. (1847-1931) Prolific inventor and businessman with over 1,093 patents, here Edison holds his most famous invention: the light bulb. 


This is Edward Teller. The father of "Hydrogen Bomb" 
(1908–2003) Early member of the Manhattan Project, this controversial nuclear physicist helped invent one of the first atomic bombs and spearheaded the development of the H-bomb. 
Einstein at boy 
This is Albert Einstein(1879-1955) Most famous for developing his theory of relativity and for the world's most famous equation, E = mc². Here he is on his 72nd birthday. 

This is Marie Curie.(1867-1934) Famous for discovering polonium, uranium, and coming up with a theory of radioactivity, Marie Curie was the first woman to receive the Nobel prize. 

This is Sigmund Freud. (1856-1939) This neurologist and founding father of psychoanalysis developed many theories about the unconscious. While many of his ideas were controversial, they are considered to be some of the most influential of the 20th Century. 

This is Linus Pauling. (1901-1994) Considered one of the most influential chemists in history, Pauling founded the fields of quantum chemistry and molecular biology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. 
Alfred Nobel boy

This is Alfred Nobel(1833-1896) Swedish chemist, engineer and innovator, Nobel invented dynamite. He is most famous for the prizes funded posthumously in his name. 

This is Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) J. Robert Oppenheimer puffs on a pipe during an interview at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., April 5, 1963. Oppenheimer, scientist with the Manhattan Project that developed the first atom bomb, regretted his participation in the program in his later years. (AP) 
Baby Photo of Stephen Hawkings

This is Stephen Hawkings(Born 1942) Famous for his work on the radiation emitted from black holes -- now called Hawking radiation -- this theoretical astrophysicist set forth a cosmology that unites the theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics. 
Kid Neil Armstrong

This is Neil Armstrong(1930-2012) As the first man to walk on the moon, this astronaut and aerospace engineer is most famous for uttering the phrase: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." 


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