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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Orange Fighters

In our childhood,may be still now, we have a big fascination about fighters.They fight, they have power, they through light and fire from hand and kill the villain.Wish, we have that power.Yes, thats our jaw dropping thoughts at childhood, consider a hero at our own in front of a mirror, who can fight a villain, but run away from a cockroach.Childhood is really colorful, and so beautiful.

Today i came to know about a new fight. dun worry, not a blood fight, but fun. Its actually Orange Fight, weapon is beautiful colored sweet n sour oranges. There is festival that takes place in summer at Ivrea, a northern Italian City, where people play with oranges and you don't believe that, this festival runs for near about one month. Every week's Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. This fest takes place place every years February, which is summer. People of Ivrea city, locally organize this festival and make combat teams, each one squash oranges another's face by throwing it. Dun worry, they wear a special mask to protect their nose and eyes. Really, doe's the pictures look like a festival??

A big, really big food fight.Juicy oranges are just squashed into face.Wired, a little bit but lots of fun. The fest ends at the last Tuesday of February, which they say "Fat Tuesday." At fat tuesday night the carnival ends with a silent march by the fighters which is named Solemn Funeral. They end the festival by saing Goodby with a special phrase "arvedse a giobia a ‘n bot" which translating "well, we will see each other at Thursday" by meaning the next year thursday when carnival will arrive again. Finally i decided to join this orange fight. I will book my ticket for next "Battle of Orange" for fun and fight. You can join too. This fest is open for all at Ivera both locals and tourists. 

Thank You.

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