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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Eid and Puja together at Bangladesh

This is not very usual in Bangladesh to take placing two major religious festival and this unusual phenomena is happening at the end of 2013. Yes, both Eid and Puja will celebrate together at our country.
Bangladesh is my home land. Here almost 80% peoples are Muslim and rest of other religion believers. Usually after Muslims eid festival, Puja or other festivities will celebrate. But with circle of time, at the end of 2013, the second largest Muslim festival "Eid-ul-Adha" and the biggest for Hindu festival "Durga Puja" will celebrate together by all peoples of Bangladesh.


Muslims will celebrate this Eid by sacrificing the animals in the name of Almighty Allah after namaz at morning. This festival have a very old and true told. Once prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was ordered in dream to sacrifice his most favourite and adorable things for the satisfaction of Allah. Ibrahim (A.S) then realized that, his most favorite things is his only son, Hazrat Ismail (A.S). So, according to almighty's order and to make him satisfied, he went to sacrifice his son. That was an test from lord in which Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was passed by his believe and fear on lord. To memorize that phenomena and also as a respect for Ibrahim (A.S), each year Muslims from all over the world will sacrifice their favourite household animals like cows, goats, camels. This is a also counted as a sign that, we can do anything for the satisfaction of our creator, Allah, and for his mercy.   

Hindus will also celebrate their Durga Puja with very amusement and Joy. According to Hindu, "Durga" is known as a mother for all living creatures of earth. Each year in a certain time, "Durga" arrived from mountain "Kailash" to earth to destroy the evil that surrounding earth's people and to make the wishes come true of her believers. She also arrived for keeping safe the world from diseases and make world full with grain and fruits. Durga puja actually celebrated for six days, but the last two day's are counted as the main programs with "Kumari Puja" "or "Worship of Virgin" and the victory "Bijoya Dashami". At last day, the hindus visit temple place to give good bye their mother for her return journey to "Kailash" from earth and also request her to come again.  

For having both festival at same week, Government of Bangladesh declared 9 days of leave with counting normal weekend leaves...!!!!! This is an awesome opportunity for people to join their relatives, to go their house, enjoy the Eid and Puja together with friends, relatives and family. Here at Dhaka, i have also a chance to visit puja places with also animal hat too. I am Muslim, but i believe in equality of all regional festivals, to get known about other religion is not a sin i guess, but obviously after knowing your own religion properly. 

Living together of all Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist, and Christians, believing their own religions and regulations but celebrating festivals all together is responsible for a Happy and Beautiful Bangladesh.

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